Embark on a journey across the vastness of space.动身穿越浩渺无垠的宇宙。
A story of courage, honor, and the fight for survival.这是一个关于勇气、名誉与生存之战的故事。
Epic battles, thrilling adventures, and unforgettable heroes.史诗般的战役,触目惊心的冒险,以及难以忘怀的英雄。
The ultimate showdown between humanity and an alien race.人类与外星种族的终极对决。
Prepare for the invasion. Humanity stands united.准备迎击入侵。人类联络齐心专心。
Experience the power and glory of Star Brigade - the ultimate space adventure.
Embark on an epic journey through the galaxy with the formidable Star Brigade.