My name is SQUIGLET,我叫涂鸦宝宝And have you met all of the letters in the alphabet?你们见过英语字母表里的所有字母吗So grab your Squiggle Pads and Squiggle Sticks and write them all with me;快来拿起你的小画板,还有小画笔,把它们全都写下来It39;s fun when you GET SQUIGGLING,涂涂写写很有趣LETTERS!学字母啦Hello everyone! Squiglet here!大家好 我是涂鸦宝宝Would you like to help me squiggle some letters.想和我一起来认识26个字母吗Look! Here they come!看 它们来啦A, B, C…A B CA is for AntA是小蚂蚁B is for BalloonB是大气球C is for Caterpillar curled in a cocoon,C是藏在茧里的毛毛虫D is for DinosaurD是恐龙E is for EggE是鸡蛋F is for Frog with boingy, boingy legs,F是只小田鸡 跳呀跳呀跳G is for GoatG是山羊H is for HenH是母鸡I is for Igloo what a snowy den,I 是座冰屋 到处是冰块J is for JamJ是果酱K is for KiteK是鹞子L is for lion prowling through the night,L是只狮子 晚上去闲步M is for Monkey,M是猴子N is for Nose,N是鼻子O is for Octopus wearing funny clothes,O是只大章鱼 穿着怪衣服P is for Pig,P是只猪Q is for Queen,Q是皇后R is for Robot what a great machine,R是一个机器人 本领大得很S is for SnakeS是条蛇T is for TrollT是小丑怪U for Umbrella take it on a stroll,U是一把伞 雨天带着走V is for VetV是动物年夜夫W is for WhaleW是大鲸鱼X is with Fox at the end of his tail!X是狐狸 尾巴摇呀摇Y is for YetiY是雪人Z is for ZooZ是动物园This is how the letters look can you write them too?它们便是可爱的字母 你会写它们吗Today's letter is the letter 'a'!本日的字母是aHave you got your Squiggle Pads … and Squiggle Sticks ready?拿好你的小画板 还有你的小画笔Let's Get Squiggling!我们来写字母吧Holding your Squiggle Stick like this, move it round, up, down, and flick.像这样握住你的小画笔,画个圈圈,上去,再下来, 留个小尾巴The Letter 'a'!这便是字母aLet's squiggle it again,我们再来写一遍吧Go round, up, down, and flick.画个圈圈,上去,下来, 留个小尾巴There. The letter 'a'!字母a写好啦Shall we meet the letter 'a'?我们把字母a请出来好吗Say the magic words with me:跟我一起说出邪术咒语One two three four five1 2 3 4 5Let's make our squiggles come alive!快出来吧 可爱的字母Hello 'a'.你好aShall we squiggle some things that start with the letter 'a'?我们来说出名字以a开头的东西好吗An Ant!一只蚂蚁An apple …一个苹果And an ambulance.还有一辆救护车They all begin with 'a'.它们的开头字母都是aSee if you can you spot them in our … story!看看你能不能在故事里找到它们Once there was an ant.从前有一只蚂蚁antHello!你好Who was bold and strong.他既年夜胆又强壮He was always showing off.他总是炫耀自己Whilst the other ants worked together to carry a leaf, he would pick up a whole leaf and carry it over his head小伙伴在一起才能抬动叶子, 他自己就能举起一片叶子,一贯举到了头顶上Ha! Ha! Look at me!哈哈 看我多厉害And whilst three ants sensibly carried a twig together.小伙伴在一起才能扛动的树枝He would carry a whole twig on his own.他自己就能扛起来Ha! Ha! - look at me!哈哈 看我多厉害One day the other ants found an apple on the ground.一天 地上有一个红红的苹果It looked delicious, so they decided to take it to their anthill for dinner.看上去很美味, 于是大家打算把它抬回家去吃掉But try as they might, none of them could move it.可是他们用了最大的力气,也没能搬动它Leave this to me.交给我吧He took a deep breath and started to lift the enormous apple - all on his own.他深吸了一口气, 自己上前去搬起那只巨大的苹果The other ants gasped as he heaved the apple high over his head伙伴们都屏住呼吸,看着他把苹果举过分顶Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at me!哈哈哈 看我多厉害But the apple was too heavy可是苹果太重了It wibbled … and toppled它摇扭捏晃 掉下来了Right onto the ant's foot.砸在了蚂蚁的脚上Ouch!哎哟Luckily an ambulance arrived.幸亏来了一辆救护车And took him to ant hospital to get his foot checked out.赶紧把他带到医院去治脚As the other ants tried to move the apple, the bold ant returned.就在伙伴们努力搬苹果时,年夜胆的蚂蚁回来了Ha! Nothing broken!哈 我没事They've sent me home - so let's get this apple moving.他们把我送回来了, 我们来搬苹果吧But then the bold ant surprised them all.可是接下来, 这只年夜胆的蚂蚁让所有人吃惊了Let's do it as a team -我们一起来搬吧If we work together, we can move it.如果我们一起努力的话,就一定能搬动它So the ants all worked together to give the apple a big push.于是他和伙伴们一起努力,用力推苹果And it rolled all the way to the anthill苹果终于滚到了洞口前Hooray! We moved the apple together.太棒啦 我们一起搬动了苹果Now we can eat it together too.现在我们可以一起来吃掉它啦And that's just what they did.他们吃得可喷鼻香了Can you remember how to squiggle the letter 'a'?你还记得若何写出字母a吗Let's get a clue from the Squiggle Pad.我们拿出纸笔写一写吧We're writing the letter 'a'.我们要写字母a了哦Look at Florence's letter 'a'.看弗洛伦斯写的字母aShe goes round, up, down and flick.她先画个圈圈,上去,下来, 留个小尾巴Johanna is squiggling round, up down and flick.约翰娜在画个圈圈 上去 下来 留个小尾巴 好极了Great job Lilly.写得好 莉莉That's an excellent letter 'a',这个a写得非常好The letter 'a'.这是字母aGreat squiggling.写得真好It's time to go now, but come back soon and keep squiggling… letters!该说再见啦,我们下次再来写别的字母玩吧BYE!!!再见