X-ray images of polyptych wings, or other artworks painted on both sides of their support, contain in one image content from both paintings, making them difficult for experts to “read.” To improve the utility of these x-ray images in studying these artworks, it is desirable to separate the content into two images, each pertaining to only one side. This is a difficult task for which previous approaches have been only partially successful. Deep neural network algorithms have recently achieved remarkable progress in a wide range of image analysis and other challenging tasks. We, therefore, propose a new self-supervised approach to this x-ray separation, leveraging an available convolutional neural network architecture; results obtained for details from the Adam and Eve panels of the Ghent Altarpiece spectacularly improve on previous attempts.
In the art investigation domain, increasing use of extremely high-resolution digital imaging techniques is being made in parallel with the widespread adoption of a range of recent imaging and analytical modalities not previously applied in the field (e.g., hyperspectral imaging, macro x-ray fluorescence scanning, and novel forms of imaging x-ray radiography). These techniques mean that there is a wealth of digital data available within the sector, offering huge scope to provide new insights but also presenting new computational challenges to the domain.
In the past decades, various other disciplines, experiencing similar data growth, have benefited greatly from recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. The availability of cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, as well as the enhanced computation power and frameworks necessary to deal with massive datasets, have yielded outstanding results in computer vision, speech recognition, speech translation, natural language processing, and more.
It is therefore natural to develop similar techniques to address challenging tasks arising in art investigation, including material identification within different strata of paintings, analysis of brush stroke style, automatic canvas thread counting, digital inpainting of cracks, and visualization of concealed designs and underdrawings.
This paper deals with a challenging image processing task arising in the context of the painting The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, painted in 1432 by the brothers Hubert and Jan Van Eyck and more commonly known as the Ghent Altarpiece, shown in Fig. 1. This piece is one of the most admired and influential paintings in the history of art, showcasing the Van Eyck brothers’ unrivaled mastery of the oil painting technique. Over the centuries, the monumental polyptych (350 cm by 470 cm when open) has been prized for its stunning rendering of different materials and textures and its complex iconography. Originally, the polyptych consisted of four central panels, and then two wings each consisting of four panels painted on both sides so that entirely different sets of images and iconography could be seen depending on whether or not the wings were open (for example on Feast days). This paper focuses on two of the double-sided panels, depicting Adam and Eve on the interiors (and with the Annunciation and interior scenes on the outside).
本文旨在研究《神秘羔羊之爱》作品中繁芜的图像处理技能,《神秘羔羊之爱》由胡伯特·凡· 艾克和扬·凡· 艾克兄弟在 1432 年创作,众所周知为《根特祭坛画》之名,如图1所示。这幅作品是艺术史上备受赞誉和最有影响力的画作之一,展示了凡·艾克兄弟不可超越的油画技巧。因其绝妙的材料利用、纹理渲染和纷繁繁芜的图像技能,这幅蔚为壮不雅观的联画作品(完备打开时长 3.5 米,宽 4.7 米)在几个世纪以来一贯备受赞誉。最初这幅联画作品由四个中央镶板组成,镶板两侧的每个侧翼由四个面板组成,面板为双面绘制,这样一来,侧翼的打开与否(例如节日会打开侧翼)便决定了所展示的不同图像和肖像画作。本论文重点研究双面作画的面板,对内页的《亚当与夏娃》(和外部翼板上的《天使报喜》以及两边外侧上的内页画作)进行解释。
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