成功无捷径 There is no shortcut to success.
熟能生巧 Practice Makes Perfect
读书的快乐 The Pleasure of Reading
助学贷款 Students Loans
精确择业 Choosing the Right Career
应试教诲 Test-oriented Education System
口试前的准备 Preparation for the Interview
悲观心态 Pessimistic Mind
乐不雅观心态 Optimistic Mind
珍惜韶光 Cherishing Time
失落学 Dropping Out of School/Leaving School
读书 Study in a Rigid Way/Stressing Only Exam Score
应试教诲 Exam-Oriented Education
勤奋 Diligence
耐心 Patience
成功 Success
机遇 Opportunity
寻衅 Challenge
勤俭节约 Thrifty
实事求是 Seek truth from facts
社会公德 Public Morality
礼貌 Politeness
提高个人教化 Shaping the Morality
拼搏精神 The Determined Spirit
奉献精神 The Dedication Spirit
高档学府 institution of higher education
综合性大学 comprehensive university
文科院校 colleges of (liberal) arts
理工科大学 college / university of science and engineering
师范学院 normal college
高分低能 high scores and low abilities
高考 (university/college) entrance examination
高校扩招 the college expansion plan
招待会 press conference
国家教委 State Education Commission
国家统计局 State Statistical Bureau
职业培训 job training
职业文盲 functional illiterate
网络天下 cyber world
网络文化 cyber culture
网络犯罪 cyber crime
网上购物 online shopping
高产优质 high yield and high quality
光谷 optical valley
虚拟银行 virtual bank
高速公路 information superhighway
新兴学科 new branch of science; emerging discipline
高科技园 high-tech park
工业园区 industrial park
信息港 information port
人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)