雄安新区位于北京市西南100公里处,位于京津冀地区核心腹地,由河北省保定市所辖雄县、容城、安新3县组成,区位上风明显(incomparable geographical advantages)、交通便捷、生态环境优秀、资源丰富(immense resources),发展空间充裕(plenty of room for development)。设立雄安新区将有助于讲明北京非都城功能( non-essential capital city functions)、探索人口密集地区优化开拓新模式(explore a new model of optimal development in densely populated areas)以及调度京津冀城市布局(restructure urban layout in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)。雄安新区起步区面积约100平方公里,中期发展区面积约200平方公里,远期掌握区面积约2000平方公里。
雄安新区:Xiongan New Area
起步区:Initial Development Zone
启动区:“Boot” Pilot Area
掌握性方案:Master Plan
承接非都城功能讲明:Transfer of non-essential capital city functions
千年大计,国家大事:a millennium plan and a great national event
雄安质量:“Xiongan Quality”
主城区:downtown area
坚持紧张定位:hold primary position
习近平新时期中国特色社会主义思想:Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
坚持绿色优先:prioritize green development
以公民为中央:put people first
蓝绿交织,清新通亮,水城共融, 人与自然和谐共:Human and nature coexist harmoniously in the lake city featuring blue sky and verdant fields
空间弹性:flexibility of space
承接存量,吸引增量:taking on non-essential capital city functions from Beijing and attracting more projects to settle
高出发点方案,高标准培植,高质量发展:plans with high starting point, construction of high standards and development of high quality
政府主导,市场运作:government-led and market-oriented operation
分类分步,有序承接:make the transfer in an orderly and category-by-category manner
公共做事举动步伐配套:supporting facilities for public service
中西合璧,以中为主,古今交融:combining Chinese and Western elements, with the Chinese as the core, while integrating ancient and modern styles
城市组团:city clusters
奇迹单位:public institutions
北城,中苑,南淀:north city group, central city-lake transitional space and south lake area
城淀共生共融:integration and co-existence of city and lake
生态绿廊:ecological green corridor
五片,三带,多中央:Five City Clusters, Three Belts and Multi-Centers
产城领悟:integration of industry and city
职住均衡:balance between work and housing
功能发展带:functional development belt
功能节点:functional node
15分钟生活圈:15-minute radius community life circle
东西轴线:east-west axis
相对集中,适度分散:relatively centralized, moderately distributed
五位一体总体布局:“five-in-one” general layout
京雄城际站点:Beijing-Xiongan intercity train station
外围生态用地:ecological land in outer surrounding area
绿廊:green corridor
宜望淀,慎邻淀,禁入淀:keeping a distance away from the lake area, being cautious about building close to the lake area and forbidding construction in the lake area
大溵古淀:Da Yin Ancient Lake
掌握线:regulatory line
方案单元:planning unit
第五立面:the fifth façade
方案管控:plan control
“创新岛”: “innovation island”
滨水景不雅观:waterfront landscape
传统营城理念:traditional urban planning concept
“金融岛”: “financial island”
南阳遗址公园:Nanyang historic site park
一方城,两轴线,五组团,十景苑,百花田,千年林,万顷波:one city, two axes, five city clusters, ten scenic gardens, fields of flowers, thousand-year forests and boundless waves
南北轴线:north-south axis
河岸空间:waterfront area
临淀空间:lakeside area
堤堰空间:dike area
临淀慢行系统: lakeside traffic calming system
城市天涯线:urban skyline
绿带:green belt
城市界面管控:urban interface control
城淀空间界面:city-lake interface
城林空间界面:city-forest interface
街道空间界面:street interface
建筑群:architecture clusters
建筑屋顶平坡结合:roofs of urban buildings in a combination of flat and pitched styles
夜景照明:nightscape illumination
建筑泛光:building illumination
过度亮化:over illumination
城市光污染:urban light pollution
一环,齐心专心,两轴, 多廊,绿网: one belt, one center, two axes,multiple corridors and green network
绿化带:forest belt
生态斑块:ecological site
生态绿心:ecological green center
特色景不雅观节点:landscape node with distinct features
两主六次:two main ecological corridors and six minor ecological corridors
海绵城市:sponge city
城市生态绿网:urban ecological green network
城市绿地公园:urban green land parks
综合公园:comprehensive parks
社区公园:community parks
专类公园:theme parks
遗址公园:historic site parks
生态公园:ecological parks
带状公园:linear parks
无障碍设计:barrier-free design
郊野公园:countryside parks
常绿落叶混交林:mixed forest of evergreen and deciduous plants
林荫化率:forest shade coverage rate
一核,两带,两片,四点:one core, two belts, two zones and four nodes
生态单元:ecological unit
草地斑块:grass patch area
岸际植物:shore plants
时令性湿生草甸:seasonal wet meadow
水生湿生植物:the hydrophytes and phreatophytes
以水定城,以水定人:setting up urban development and human activities based on the local water system and conditions
防洪排涝:flood prevention and drainage
上蓄,中疏,下排,适滞:storing water upstream, dredging water in the central area and draining water downstream with overall moderate retention of water
分洪闸:flood diversion sluice
流域:drainage basin
蓄,疏,固,垫,架:water storage, water dredging, dike strengthening, protection pad and frame alongside dike
生态堤防:ecological dike
排水防涝系统:water drainage and waterlogging prevention system
地表径流:direct runoff
北截,中疏,南蓄,适排:cutting off water in the north, dredging water in the central area, storing water in the south and moderately draining water
南水北调中线供应:Central Route of the South-North Water Transfer Project
雄安干渠和调蓄水库:main canal and storage reservoir of Xiongan New Area
森林斑块:forest site
雨水调蓄湿地:rainwater-regulated wetland
汛期:flood season
蓝绿空间:blue-green space
年径流量:annual total runoff
缓冲带:buffer zone
雨水花园:rainwater garden
下沉式绿地:sunken green land
透水铺装:permeable pavement
一环护城,双带净化,多源活水,多水润城:one round-the-city water system, two belts for purification and multi-sources of running water to moisten and nourish the city
排涝竖向:vertical flood drainage system
科教领悟,产教领悟:science and education integration, industry and education integration
知识溢出效应:knowledge spillover effect
家当集群:industrial cluster
计策性新兴家当:strategic new industry
外围组团:peripheral city clusters
特色小镇:signature town
适当留白:reserve space
优质共享均好的公共做事:high-quality, shared and evenly sound public service
全龄友好: all-age friendly
租售并举的多元化住房体系:diversified housing supply system accessible for both renting and purchasing
分级配置,稠浊兼容:allocation at different levels and mixture with compatibility
医养结合:integration of medical treatment and elderly support
邻里中央:residential center
街坊中央:neighborhood center
贯通式根本教诲:“through-type” fundamental education
集团化办学:school operation in the style of group management
做事半径:radius of service range
双一流:“double first-class” initiative
全民健身体系:nationwide fitness system
品牌体育赛事:brand-sponsored sports event
竞赛演出:sports competition and performance
群众体育:mass participation sports
竞技体育:competitive sports
医疗,医保,医药三医联动:integration of medical treatment, medical insurance and medicines supply
分层覆盖:multi-level coverage
应急救治中央:emergency treatment center
中央血站:central blood facility
分级诊疗体系:hierarchical diagnosis system
15分钟基层医疗做事圈:15-minute radius local medical service coverage
家庭医师制度:primary care system
长期照顾护士:long-term care
白天照料:same day care
公共租赁房:public rental houses
共有产权房:houses with joint property rights
投契炒房:speculative investment in houses
公交廊道:public transport corridor
市场租赁房:commercial rental houses
轨道站点:railway station
绿色交通:green traffic
尺度宜人的城市街道:urban roads in properly and moderately designed size
城市交通微循环:micro-circulation of urban traffic
小街区,密路网的路网体系:dense road network system with small building blocks
单元集散道路:unit distribution roads
城市快速路:urban expressway
高速区段:section of highway
连接线:connecting roads
道路下穿:road underpass
四横十二纵:four horizontal roads and twelve vertical roads
中短间隔机动化出行:mid-and short-distance motorized commute
交通稳静化区:traffic calming area
差异性路网形态和智能化交通组织:differentiated road network and intelligent transportation
级合营理,尺度宜人:reasonable grading and proper size and scale
干路网交叉:main road intersections
交通流:traffic flow
绿波:“green wave”
立体交互办法:three-dimensional interactive mode
泛在感知数据:ubiquitous sensor data
路网多层级协同掌握:multi-level coordinated road network control
公共交通专用车道:public transport exclusive lanes
站城一体开拓:joint development of railway stations and city
干支衔接,快普领悟:close connection between main railway lines and branch lines and full integration of rapid and slow railway lines
过轨跨线运营:crossing railways and lines
一主多支:one major railway line and multiple branches
需求相应式公交:demand-response public transport
快线:fast traffic lines
干线:main traffic lines
公交卸驳换乘:bus transfer
共享交通车辆专用路:exclusive road for shared transportation
客流走廊:passenger flow corridor
个人碳汇:individual carbon sink
碳排放配额管理机制:carbon emission quota management mechanism
绿色出行积分账户:green commuter bonus point account
车路协同:Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System (CVIS)
智能网联:intelligent connection network
自动存取车辆:automatic motor vehicle parking and pick up
车位预定:reserving motor vehicle parking space
无感支付:convenient automated payment
车路协同信控: signal control for vehicles-roads coordination
区域勾引联控:regional guidance and joint control
交叉口可变导向:reversible lanes in intersections
路段潮汐通畅: rush-hour commute
区域单向循环:regional one-way circulation
交通云控:transport cloud control
智能调度公交:public transport intelligent dispatch
综合管廊:integrated underground utility piping network
终端能源消费构造:end-use energy consumption structure
绿色能源输配网络:green energy transmission and distribution network
分布式可再生能源:distributed renewable energy
分布式光伏:distributed photovoltaic
充电桩:charging pile
分散储能举动步伐:decentralized facilities for energy storage
邮政举动步伐:postal facilities
光纤网络:optical network
无废城市:zero-waste city
减量化,资源化,无害化:reduction, recycling and harmless disposal of waste
垃圾分类收运:classified collection and transportation of waste
原生垃圾:raw refuse
垃圾干湿分离:separation of wet and dry waste
邻利效应:mutual benefit effect
大件垃圾破碎分拣转运:shredding, sorting and transfer of bulk waste
再生资源分拣打包集散:sorting, packaging, collection and distribution of renewable resources
融雪剂搅拌站:grit snow melt station
环卫停车场:environmental sanitation parking lots
数字综合管廊:digitally integrated utility tunnel
采光举动步伐:facilities for daylighting
自然采光:natural daylighting
综合行政审批体系:comprehensive governmental review and approval system
智能信息杆柱:intelligent information pole
移动物联网:mobile IoT
增强型移动物联网:enhanced mobile IoT
广域网络:wide area network (WAN)
智能相应:intelligent response
全方位人车路感知终端:all-round driver-vehicle-road sensing terminal
总体国家安全不雅观:holistic view of national security
防抗救相结合:combining prevention, mitigation and relief
常态减灾,非常态救灾:disaster mitigation as daily routine and disaster relief as emergency response
抢险接济:emergency rescue and disaster relief
城市安全监测预警系统: urban security warning and monitoring system
防灾减灾:disaster prevention and mitigation
过境危险品运输车辆:transit vehicles delivering hazardous goods
安全生产任务制:responsibility system for safe production
城市重大危险源台账:record of major urban sources of dangers and risks
防空防灾一体化:integration of air defense and disaster prevention
应急指挥接济系统:command and rescue emergency response system
城市安全技能研究院:urban security technological research institute
应急物资储备库:storage pool for emergency supplies
综合性消防接济军队:firefighting team
街面警务事情站:police stations on streets
综合检讨站:integrated inspection stations
次生磨难:secondary disaster
测震台:earthquake observation station
减隔震技能:seismic mitigation and isolation technologies
抗震减灾:earthquake resistance and disaster mitigation
多级综合消防接济通道:fire control and rescue system
空中接济:air rescue
消防直升机起降点:firefighting helicopter pads
京津冀协同发展领导小组:Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development leading group
廉明雄安:Xiongan clean governance
从严治党:strengthening Party self-discipline
党风廉政:good Party conduct and clean governance
廉政管理体系:clean governance mechanism
正风肃纪:to tighten discipline and improve Party conduct
秉公用权,干净干事:exercise power impartially and work with clean conduct.
掌握性详细方案:controlled detailed plan
社会参与机制:social participation
生态保护红线:ecological protection red line
永久基本农田:permanent farmland
城镇开拓边界:urban development boundary
耕地保有量:minimum reserved cultivated land
耕地占补平衡:balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation
家当准入负面清单管理:negative list management for industry access
积分落户制度:points-based hukou (household registration) system
Contributed by Wen Ying, Andrew McEwen
温颖 马普安