First image of a black hole gets a makeover with AI

The first image of a black hole captured four years ago revealed a fuzzy, fiery doughnut-shaped object. Now, researchers have used artificial intelligence to give that cosmic beauty shot a touch-up.

The image released in 2019 gave a peek at the enormous black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy, 53 million light-years from Earth. A light-year is 5.8 trillion miles. It was made using data gathered by a network of radio telescopes around the world, showing swirling light and gas.

But even with many telescopes working together, gaps remained in the data. In the latest study, scientists relied on the same data and used machine learning to fill in the missing pieces.

英闻独家摘选 天文学家借助AI修改黑洞照片 清晰度增加

The resulting picture looks similar to the original, but with a thinner “doughnut” and a darker center, researchers said.

“For me, it feels like we’re really seeing it for the first time,” said lead author Lia Medeiros, an astrophysicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in New Jersey.

By having a clearer picture, researchers hope to learn more about the black hole’s properties and gravity in future studies. And Medeiros said the team plans to use machine learning on other images of celestial objects, including possibly the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.


cosmic: adj

表示"宇宙的",means " of the whole universe or cosmos",如:I'm pure, so I'm more in touch with cosmic forces. 由于我纯洁,以是我能更好的打仗宇宙的力量。

touch-up: n

表示" 润色;修正",means "",如:He asked the teacher to touch up his picture. 他请老师把他的画修正提高一下。

astrophysicist: n

表示"天体物理学家",means "an astronomer who studies the physical properties of celestial bodies",如:

celestial: adj

表示" 天上的;",means "of or relating to the sky",如:The sun, moon, stars, etc. are celestial bodies. 太阳、玉轮、星星等都是天体.The rosy light yet beamed like a celestial dawn. 玫瑰色的红光依然象天上的朝霞一样绚丽。



美联社报导,2019 年发布的首张黑洞照片,是拍摄间隔地球 5300 万光年的 M87 星系(室女座A星系)中央,这个巨大的椭圆星系一贯开释极强的电波,而且还有一道高能喷流,同时也是银河系附近质量最大的星系之一。



新泽西州高等研究所的天体物理学家莉莎‧蒙蒂罗斯(Lia Medeiros)说:「对我来说,这样的效果觉得就像第一次真正看到它。
