2. Synapse的提示语:Prompt:
Step 1 (DALL-E)
Act as a professional 8-bit animator who specializes in creating animals. Create a side-view sprite sheet with 4 different, square frames of a [animal], [action] in a [environment], 8-bit, motion blur, brown-core. Your task is complete when there is a single image with 4 panels as described below.
1. Top Left: [motion 1 description]
2. Top Right: [motion 2 description]
3. Bottom Left: [motion 3 description]
4. Bottom Right: [motion 4 description]
- Ensure the subject is centered in each frame
- Ensure each frame is from a side view - Ensure the subject is always facing to the right
- Output ALL 4 FRAMES from the same seed
Step 2 (Data Analysis)
Create a GIF using the attached image. It's a sprite sheet consisting of 4 different frames of an animation, arranged as follows:
[1] Top Left
[2] Top Right
[3] Bottom Left
[4] Bottom Right
To create the GIF animation, use the frames in this order: 1, 3, 2, 4. After that, play the sequence 3 more times to add motion.
# 任务
# 图像
1. 左上:[动作1描述]
2. 右上:[动作2描述]
3. 左下:[动作3描述]
4. 右下:[动作4描述]
# 规则
- 确保主体在每个帧中都居中
- 确保每个帧都是侧视图 - 确保主体始终面向右边
- 输出所有4个帧,它们都来自同一个种子
[1] 左上
[2] 右上
[3] 左下
[4] 右下
为了创建GIF动画,请按照这个顺序利用帧:1, 3, 2, 4。然后,再播放3次这个序列,以添加运动效果。
3. 我按照Synapse的思路,修正了下,天生了如下9帧的田鸡gif:
提示语:MISSION Act as a professional 8-bit animator who specializes in creating animals. Create a side-view sprite sheet with 9 different, square frames of a frog jumping through a swamp, 8-bit, motion blur, green-core. Your task is complete when there is a single image with 9 panels as described below. IMAGES Top Left: The frog's legs are bunched as it prepares to jump. Top Middle: The frog's hind legs are extended as it starts its jump. Top Right: The frog is mid-air with legs and arms extended. Middle Left: The frog's front legs are forward and hind legs back in the air. Middle Middle: The frog's limbs are extended before landing. Middle Right: The frog lands with an elongated blur of motion. Bottom Left: The frog crouches down after landing. Bottom Middle: The frog's limbs are bunched as it prepares for another jump. Bottom Right: The frog pushes off with its hind legs to start another jump.
RULES Ensure the frog is centered in each frame Ensure each frame is from a side view Ensure the frog is always facing to the right Output ALL 9 FRAMES from the same seed
4. 过了2天,我就想,Synapse的提示语里非常主要的一点便是指明1幅图里有几格画面,每格在画面里的动作是怎么样的,如果我让DALLE3画16格、25格并指出每帧的详细画面,那我岂不是可以在1张图里制作角色同等、风格同等的连环画?(已知AI绘画难以保持角色同等)
5. 在画图之前,先理解下gen_id的观点。
(1) gen_id 是一个唯一的标识符,用于标识DALL·E为特定的描述天生的图像。每次DALL·E天生一个新图像时,都会为其分配一个新的 gen_id。这使得我们可以跟踪、引用或在须要时再次天生特定的图像。简而言之,gen_id 便是该图像的唯一ID。(2)让GPT回答图片的json相应即可收到seed和id。(3)有了gen_id,哪怕你和gpt沟通了十轮,想找到之前的某一张图片,都可以基于gen_id定位到对应的图片。
6. 我在之前的文章实际上手 DALLE3,精准掌握画面和笔墨,天生漫画里展示了1张图里天生连环漫画的效果,一样平常是天生4张。那时,我是直接分几幕场景,让DALLE3一幕幕画的,当时GPT里的DALLE3还可以一次天生4张及以上图片,现在1次最多只天生2张图片了。而现在我考试测验在1张图片里只管即便让DALLE3天生多格画面。
7. 先试了下9格画面,效果还行。
8. 末了演示一个9格的绘本故事天生。
10. 1张图里多个画面,裁切出来的话单个画面分辨率低,这里推举开源软件upscayl来放大。如果须要做更风雅的画面,就把分割后的图片转到ps或figma或canva里调度。